Reside in the Canadian Maritime Province of New Brunswick (shares border with Maine) and are on our way to Saratoga Springs, NY for a week of Thoroughbred Horse Racing, Golf and Sightseeing in the foothills of the Adirondacks.
Spent half a day here in Concord and tonight took a leisurely stroll downtown….Capitol is beautiful and how you have retained your heritage architecture is just magnificent. Have been here before and of course follow New Hampshire very closely in your Primary season as we (my wife and I) find your politics much more interesting than our own.
Sending this good impression note along after noting your drawing in our room copy when we checked in at the Hampton Inn.
Reside in the Canadian Maritime Province of New Brunswick (shares border with Maine) and are on our way to Saratoga Springs, NY for a week of Thoroughbred Horse Racing, Golf and Sightseeing in the foothills of the Adirondacks.
Spent half a day here in Concord and tonight took a leisurely stroll downtown….Capitol is beautiful and how you have retained your heritage architecture is just magnificent. Have been here before and of course follow New Hampshire very closely in your Primary season as we (my wife and I) find your politics much more interesting than our own.
Sending this good impression note along after noting your drawing in our room copy when we checked in at the Hampton Inn.
Mike and Judy Sullivan
New Brunswick, Canada