This family farming enterprise was one of two daylily flower farms that was recommended by our website developer who thought it would make a really nice daytrip for visitors and other locals alike. The other one she suggested is just across the Vermont border.
A trip to Davis Brook Farm’s website raised intrigue because this is the second time that someone who grows plants for sale has specifically mentioned varieties and that their seedling starts were hybridized to stand up to the New England climate. The first was Keith Grimes, chef and owner at Pickity Place in speaking of his own herbs, and we already know locals drive there just for those.
In recommending Davis Brook Farm, Jennifer described pleasant strolls through fragrant gardens, whether to buy or just learn more about how daylilies can give you lovely color, even if you don’t have the green thumb. She said these are hard to abuse.
It’s not that far from Keene or the Merrimack Valley so we’re offering it up as a way to see some of New Hampshire’s countryside with a relaxing environment as your destination, and potentially enhance your own garden should you want to buy or ship. This year, Davis Brook’s 21st, they are featuring 21 new varieties in what they have named “The Monadnock Series.” That sounds downright collectible.
Davis Brook Farm
106 Bonds Corner Rd.
Hancock, NH
(603) 525-4728
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